Superannuation is a key part of retirement incomes policy – but just one part. This session looks at the purposes of the system. What does an “adequate” retirement income mean? Is the Australian system delivering enough income in retirement, and will it be able to do so in future? In the light of early access to retirement, we must even ask the question, are superannuation contributions still appropriate in the short run?

View John Daley’s slides here

Speakers: John Daley, chief executive, Grattan Institute and David Knox, senior partner, senior actuary, Mercer
Moderator: Alex Proimos, head of institutional content, Investment Magazine
Length: 45 mins

Take the QUIZ to earn your CPD points

Question 1
* When did the Keating government make the compulsory employer contribution scheme law?
Question 2
* Who deferred the legislation passed by the Rudd-Gillard government to increase the SG to 12% by 1 July 2019?
Question 3
* According to the OECD, what should be the benchmark of income replacement for retirees?
Question 4
* By 2056, what percentage of retirees will be homeowners?
Question 5
* What is the purpose of retirement?

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