The promotion of Dr Jim Chalmers to the Shadow Cabinet as spokesperson for Superannuation and Financial Services is further recognition of the importance of these policy areas, as well as his expertise and capabilities, says SMSF Association Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer Andrea Slattery.

“The Association congratulates Dr Chalmers on his promotion, noting that his elevation to the Shadow Cabinet will ensure that superannuation and financial services remain a priority for the Opposition.

“The importance of the superannuation and financial services sectors cannot be over-stated, and the Association is confident that Dr Chalmers will promote policies that will underpin their critical role in the economy.

“We welcome his appointment and look forward to working closely with him as the peak association for the SMSF sector and encourage the Shadow Ministry to focus on policies that continue to support Australia as a world leader in retirement systems.

Dr Jim Chalmers also has been appointed Shadow Minister for Sport and Productivity, and Shadow Assistant Minister for Trade and Investment.

Dr Chalmers, who only entered Parliament in 2013 as the member for the Queensland seat of Rankin, brings wide experience to his shadow role both as an academic focusing on public policy, as well as an advisor to Labor governments in Queensland and Canberra, including time as an advisor with the former Deputy Prime Minister and  Treasurer, Wayne Swan.

Other positions he has held include Shadow Parliamentary Secretary to the Leader of the Opposition, Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for Trade and Investment, and deputy chair of the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Tax and Revenue.

Source: SMSF Association

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