The Financial Services Council (FSC) has released the results of its 2024 Women in Investment Management Survey, conducted by Storniolo Consulting.
The survey measures women’s participation in investment management teams in Australia. This year, the survey shows women make up 27 per cent of the investment management teams.
This number is consistent with the past two years, with 29 per cent in 2023 and 27 per cent in 2022.
The survey demonstrates the challenge for the fund management industry to achieve greater diversity. FSC has proposed some measures to address the challenge.
For example, fund managers can offer summer intern programs to attract more women to the industry as well as present at student university career days.
Other findings from the survey include:
- 94 per cent of organisations track gender diversity statistics in their investment management teams;
- 72 per cent of respondents have set formal diversity targets for their organisation (up from 56 per cent in 2023); and
- 83 per cent of respondents have expectations, KPIs or linkages to remuneration in place for leaders and managers related to diversity and inclusion.
This is the fourth year the FSC has conducted the survey, and the 18 participants are both global and domestic fund managers.