Almost three-quarters of candidates sitting the August adviser have passed, according to results from ASIC.
Out of 205 candidates, 150 (73 per cent) have passed, while 72 per cent of candidates were sitting the exam for the first time.
As has been the practice for past exams, unsuccessful candidates will receive general feedback from ACER to highlight the curriculum areas where they have underperformed.
Candidates can contact ACER to request a re-mark of the written response questions, which must be submitted by 21 September 2023.
The next exam sitting will be held on 9 November 2023, and enrolments are open between 2-20 October.
Indicative dates for exam sittings in 2024 are 15 February, 16 May, 8 August and 7 November.
To date 20,718 individual candidates have sat the exam. Over 19,172 (92 per cent) of candidates who have sat the exam have passed.