Conexus Financial, the financial services media and events company and publisher of Professional Planner, has formed a partnership with the New York-based World Pension Forum (WPF) to create a major international conference business catering to the world’s largest institutional investors.

Conexus will apply its events management expertise and experience to enhance existing WPF events – three offshore and one domestic event for US-based institutional investors.

It will also create an online community to facilitate ongoing communication and engagement for conference audiences.

The World Pension Forum, founded 20 years ago by Philip Schaefer, boasts a strong track record of attracting chief investment officers, board chairs, trustees, fund chief executives and senior investment decision makers to its events. Schaefer will remain as president of the expanded business.

In a statement, Conexus co-founder and chief executive Colin Tate said that both he and Schaefer believe that “challenging long-term institutional investors to think differently and encouraging them to engage globally has the power to make a difference in the world”.

He said that WPF events “help investors connect the dots between their fiduciary responsibility, member returns and risk management for the ultimate betterment of retirees. It will also provide a platform to work with policy makers on addressing the world’s urgent fiscal, environmental and social issues”.

WPF’s scholar-in-residence Stephen Kotkin, professor at the Woodrow Wilson School for Public and International Affairs at Princeton University, will continue to be responsible for programming and managing all speakers and content at WPF events.

A statement from Conexus and WPF sets out further details of the partnership.

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