Wheel Classic riders enjoy more well-earned refreshments as their 929 kilometre odyssey continues – Day 6.
The 2016 version of the Future2 Wheel Classic started in Perth on Friday, and will conclude at the FPA Professionals Congress back in Perth on November 23, where riders will be met and presented with trophies by recently retired Australian Olympic cyclist Anna Meares. All up, cyclists will cover 929 kilometres.
Each rider in the event is aiming to raise at least $1000 for the Future2 – the Financial Planning Association’s official foundation – and will be hoping to collectively top last year’s $120,000 effort. The riders’ details, and links to their respective fundraising pages, are listed at the bottom of this article.
The 2016 event is the seventh Wheel Classic, which raises funds to help Future2 bring new opportunity and hope to socially and financially disadvantaged young Australians through its Make the Difference! grants program. The ride starts at The Esther Cafe in Como, an initiative of The Esther Foundation, a not- for-profit organisation that was awarded a multi-year grant by Future2 in 2015 for its Positive Pathways program. The Esther Foundation provides recovery services for young women to overcome life controlling struggles and issues.
Past Wheel Classic routes have included Bourke to Sydney (2010 and 2011), Sydney to Melbourne (2012), Melbourne to Sydney (2013), Melbourne to Adelaide (2014) and Sydney
to Brisbane (2015). AMP continued to support the Wheel Classic for the sixth consecutive year.
This year 19 riders have registered to take part, including Dave Dyson, who last year produced a first-hand account of life in the saddle exclusively for Professional Planner. Dave is blogging again this year and you can read all of his updates here as he files from the road.
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Future2 Wheel Classic – Day 6Mandurah to Perth: 127kms Up early we were soon on the bike paths weaving our way over and around the coastal dunes, accompanied by the occasional reptile and the first of three flats for the day. Our perfect safety record was challenged by sand drifts at hollows and crossings but we regrouped for a lap of Fremantle and a feed just out of town. A few took the direct route to Perth with the balance heading further North before looping back into the Southerly and Perth via Kings Park. After the quickest change of gear all week, we were treated to the FPA conference opening “Dare To Dream” and Future2 Wheel Classic awards presentations with Anna Meares. To mention that these events don’t happen without a significant effort from many is obvious. But with the first “changing of the guard ” at Future 2 for the Wheel Classic, David Eck deserves enormous credit for the success of this year’s tour and along with Glen and Terry a huge thank you from the riders and Future2 for their selfless support, protection and care, including travelling up to 1000kms at less than ideal pace in the support vehicles. Thanks to all our supporters via http://www.future2fundraising.org.au/event/wheelclassic2016, the Future2 Foundation FPA Gala Dinner this evening is a fitting recognition of the importance our industry places on our role in all and any of Australia’s communities in ” giving kids a second chance” – a Future2! |
One of the great things about riding with a group of people is you learn a lot more than just how to cycle. The different characters, the different techniques, are all part of normal riding. However over the period of a week or so you learn a lot about people in general and the different ways they deal with common or not so common issues. And so, the lesson of the week would have to be, “smell the roses”: And I actively chose to do just that today with the “Tailgaters” (despite there being decidedly less blooms to sample). Having hung on to the lead-out group through clenched teeth, seeing little more than the back wheel in front of me for hours on end over the last few days, it was a refreshing change to sit up and just observe some sensational West Australian countryside at a slightly more casual pace. The safer back roads led us on the less travelled route, but it was not until the 98k mark that we eventually found the much longed caffeine fix we were all craving. With a double iced coffee, a snack and a treat or 2 in reserve, we cruised into Mandurah, for our last night together at our “awards dinner” courtesy of rider nominations and some creative Bobbin magic. |
2016 Future2 Wheel Classic: Riders and fundraising links |
Peter | Bobbin | NSW | https://wheelclassic2016.everydayhero.com/au/peterbobbin |
Andrew | Brown | QLD | https://wheelclassic2016.everydayhero.com/au/andrew-1 |
Stephen | Catania | WA | https://wheelclassic2016.everydayhero.com/au/stephen |
Dave | Dyson CFP® | VIC | https://wheelclassic2016.everydayhero.com/au/dave |
Brett | Ebedes | VIC | https://wheelclassic2016.everydayhero.com/au/brett |
Jeff | Gibson | WA | https://wheelclassic2016.everydayhero.com/au/jeff |
Lorenzo | Margraf | WA | https://wheelclassic2016.everydayhero.com/au/lorenzo |
Greg | Mitchell | WA | https://wheelclassic2016.everydayhero.com/au/greg |
Simon | Peckitt | VIC | https://wheelclassic2016.everydayhero.com/au/simon |
John | Phelan | QLD | https://wheelclassic2016.everydayhero.com/au/john |
Craig | Phillips AFP® | ACT | https://wheelclassic2016.everydayhero.com/au/craig |
Roger | Simionato | NSW | https://wheelclassic2016.everydayhero.com/au/roger-1 |
Darren | Stevens AFP® | NSW | https://wheelclassic2016.everydayhero.com/au/darren |
Craig | Todd CFP® | WA | https://wheelclassic2016.everydayhero.com/au/craig-1 |
Andrew | Walsh CFP® | NSW | https://wheelclassic2016.everydayhero.com/au/andrew |
Shaun | Weston-Cole | NSW | https://wheelclassic2016.everydayhero.com/au/shaunwestoncole |
Phillip | Win CFP® | NSW | https://wheelclassic2016.everydayhero.com/au/phillip |
Gene | Youl CFP® | VIC | https://wheelclassic2016.everydayhero.com/au/gene |