Following growing interest in investment bonds, Lifeplan has updated its leading investment bond offering, NextGen Investments, with eight new investment options and an additional rebate tier.

Matt Walsh, head of Lifeplan, said the proposed changes to superannuation in May’s federal budget have triggered a surge of interest in the NextGen investment bond.

“Investment bonds are a natural alternative to superannuation, offering a tax-effective, stable investment option.

“Since the Coalition government proposed lifetime caps on superannuation, as well as additional tax imposts, we have seen the market for investment bonds strengthen significantly.

“In response to adviser demand, NextGen Investments now includes more options on the investment menu with 42 options now available.”

The new investment options are:

  • Vanguard® Balanced Index Fund
  • Vanguard® Growth Index Fund
  • PIMCO Australian Bond Fund
  • PIMCO Global Bond Fund
  • Fidelity Australian Equities Fund
  • Vanguard® International Shares Index Fund (Hedged) AUD
  • Magellan Global Fund
  • Vanguard® Australian Property Securities Index Fund

“NextGen is now very sharply priced across all tiers, and very competitive for the higher net worth investor, with a 0.3 percent per annum rebate cutting in at $500,000” Mr Walsh said.

“Another rebate tier has also been added, offering a 0.60 percent rebate for investment amounts of $10 million or more.”

Enhancements to NextGen Investments are part of an ongoing strategy of improving Lifeplan’s products and services for advisers and investors.

“It follows the upgrade to our adviser website, the launch of a new portal for investors, and the expansion of our adviser support team over the last 12 months,” Mr Walsh said.

“We will continue to keep investing in our offering to ensure we deliver market leading investment bond products and services in Australia.

“While the current political uncertainty may alter the final form of super changes, there is clear support from both sides of politics to constrain tax benefits of super, so attractive viable alternatives such as investment bonds will continue to see growing interest,” Mr Walsh said.

Source: Lifeplan

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