The Bennelong Twenty20 Australian Equities Fund, which has only been in operation since December 2015, has received a Highly Recommended rating by Zenith Investment Partners.

The fund, which also has a Recommended rating by Lonsec Research*, is now available on a number of platforms, having been listed on Macquarie Wrap, FirstWrap and Federation.

The Bennelong Twenty20 Australian Equities Fund offers investors a mix of active and passive management within the one fund structure, providing a cost-effective means of accessing the full spectrum of the market.

It is managed by Bennelong Australian Equity Partners (BAEP) and according to Zenith: “the Fund aims to provide investors with a cost-effective exposure to a portfolio of listed Australian equities. The Fund combines a passive, market cap weighted exposure to the S&P/ASX 20 Index with an actively managed portfolio of companies outside this index.

“Zenith believes the Fund is an innovative product managed by a highly experienced investment team with a demonstrated track record of outperformance”.

This blending of an active ex-20 exposure and an indexed position in the top 20 is an efficient way to gain all-cap exposure to Australian equities. Investors receive the most ‘bang for their buck’ from the Twenty20 Fund with active management where it reliably adds value, and with a low cost management fee of just 0.39%**. Zenith views “the overall fee structure to be attractive”.

The ex-20 component of the fund, which mirrors the award winning Bennelong ex-20 Australian Equities Fund, invests in a diversification of up and coming stocks that provide greater potential for outperformance. Since inception, the ex-20 Fund has consistently outperformed the benchmark, achieving a return of 14.59% p.a. (net of fees and expenses as at 31 May 2016).

The Twenty20 Fund represents a practical solution for retail clients who are increasingly focused on costs, but who do not want to lose the potential for market-beating returns.


Source: Bennelong Funds Management

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