Fund Manager, La Trobe Financial receives its Seventh consecutive award for Best Mortgage Fund in Australia. La Trobe Financial’s Pooled Mortgages Option (“the Fund”) has been judged the Best Mortgage Fund in Australia by the renowned finance journal, Money magazine. As quoted by Pam Walkley, Chief Editor of Money magazine “No other managed Fund has ever achieved such triumph seven years in row.”

Chris Andrews, La Trobe Financial’s Chief Investment officer commented “we are delighted to receive our seventh consecutive Best of the Best, award. It is a vindication of a focused business strategy that has been developed over a period of more than 63 years. Our driving principle is to select quality assets that drive repeatable performance. We have adopted this philosophy in managing $10 billion for institutional investors without loss since 1952 and have applied it with equal force to our retail offerings. For this reason, our proudest achievement is that we have never lost a cent of capital for any of the investors in our pooled investment options, nor have we had to freeze or restrict redemptions”.

Our investment and customer service philosophy is that we focus on investors’ interests first, and we will continue to stick to this successful path which has produced this record-breaking 7th Award for our business. Only recently, we announced winning the International Finance Awards for Best Investment Management Company – Australia and our Credit Fund winning Best Mortgage Fund Australasia. The Awards organised by International Finance Magazine in London identified the leaders in innovation, performance and organisational management.

La Trobe Financial’s President & CEO, Greg O’Neill added “Since 1952, our company trademark philosophy has been “Others before self” and we are pleased to have created $46.5 million in wealth for our investors in the last financial year. The Credit Fund crossing the $1 billion threshold is a real tangible contribution to the development of the Australian economy and household balance sheets.”

Our objective for the Credit Fund has long been to provide investors with a choice of capital-stable, reliable, income generating investment options. The Credit Fund’s continued performance in times of low interest rates continues to attract attention across the market.

The Credit Fund is independently rated and earlier this year was also recognised in Hong Kong, having won a further International Alternative Investment Review (IAIR) Award for Excellence in Performance Asia Pacific.

La Trobe Financial will be making further announcements shortly.

Source: La Trobe Financial

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