An investment approach that ignores market noise and avoids investment herds has helped Atrium Investment Management (Atrium) reach its rst billion dollars in funds under management, while delivering solid investment gains coupled with minimal volatility.

Atrium Chief Executive Of cer, Alex Hone said the $1 billion milestone was a pleasing rst step in a long-term journey to consistently deliver on behalf of Atrium investors.

“One of the de ning attributes behind Atrium is the exibility of our active investment management approach and consistent application of asset diversi cation and stringent risk management principles to avoid being exposed to any single risk factor such as equity market risk,” Mr Hone said.

“We are pleased to see that the performance and volatility numbers give supporting credence to our approach.”

By way of proxy, AEF 71 over the past 3 years to October 31, 2015 has delivered 13.4% per annum investment returns to investors after fees and taxes. This is against a peer benchmark of 8.6% per annum representing an average diversi ed balanced fund competitor* and the S&P ASX 200 of 9.8% per annum.

Volatility of the AEF 71 portfolio since inception2 was managed well within prescribed targets, showing 4.8% per annum against the S&P ASX 200 of 13.2% per annum.

“We are delighted with the results on behalf of investors and look forward to the evolution of Atrium as we continue to strengthen our capability and focus on the end outcome for our investors.”

Atrium Chairman Chris Cuffe said Atrium’s strength is the ‘purity’ of its investment foundations.

“Atrium is a prime example of a new breed of ‘true’ active investors available to Australian nancial advisers and clients,” he said.

Mr Cuffe said many investors remain concerned with a range of external factors potentially impacting their portfolios, considering the prevailing investment environment of historically low cash rates, volatile equity markets and poor yielding bonds.

“Atrium, with its well-diversi ed, specialist investment management capability is a welcome and intelligent alternative to the multitude of long-only Australian equity managers, or index funds,” Mr Cuffe said.

Source: Atrium Investment Management

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