Zenith Investment partners (Zenith) has reaffirmed its ‘recommended’ rating for the Man Diversified Alternatives fund (the “Fund”), with the Fund ranking highest among its peer group in Zenith’s 2015 Multi Strategy and Fund of Hedge Funds Sector Report.
Man Group is one of the world’s largest alternative investment providers, managing over $US75 billion. The Man Diversified Alternatives fund is designed to offer investors a comprehensive and actively managed selection of a broad range of Man Group’s high-calibre investment strategies through a single investment vehicle, but with only a single layer of fees. The Fund also provides daily liquidity, allowing investors to subscribe and redeem on a daily basis.
At any time, Man’s Diversified Alternatives fund comprises a selection of 10 to 15 of Man Group’s broad universe of investment strategies across Man AHL, Man Numeric and Man GLG. Many of these strategies are ‘alternative’ investment strategies, giving investors an actively managed diversified portfolio that aims to be uncorrelated to traditional asset classes.
Zenith rated a universe of 19 multi strategy funds based on a range of quantitative metrics. Its investment committee then provides a qualitative overlay that takes into account the structure of the manager’s investment team, information resources, investment philosophy, investment process, portfolio construction and risk management.
David Kingsley, Senior Portfolio Manager, Man GLG said:
“We are delighted that the Man Diversified Alternatives fund had the highest rank in Zenith’s multi strategy category and maintained its ‘Recommended’ rating. Many of the strategies in the Fund are ‘alternative’ investment strategies meaning they do not necessarily rely on the appreciation in value of traditional assets such as stocks, property and bonds to generate a return.”
Hersh Gandhi, Managing Director, Asia Pacific (ex. Japan), Man Group said:
“Man Group offers investors access to a broad range of alternative investment strategies managed by industry leading investment professionals. The Fund has been designed for investors seeking to access this expertise through a single investment. Moreover, investors place a premium on investments offering diversification, transparency and liquidity and the Fund has all these attributes.”