Perpetual Investments has been named the Fund Manager of the Year in the Professional Planner/Zenith Fund Awards 2013.

Perpetual Investments held off Magellan Asset Management and PIMCO to take out the top award, and also took out the Australian Equities Large Cap category.

The Fund Distributor of the Year award was won by Macquarie, for its Professional Series, for the second consecutive year.

This year marks the second time that Professional Planner and Zenith have teamed up to recognise excellence in the Australian funds management industry.

The Awards were created to reward those managers judged to have the best investment philosophy, processes and people to consistently outperform.

The Awards honoured 16 funds managers across 17 categories.

Zenith director David Wright said all the category award winners and nominees were of a very high quality again this year.

“A record 17 categories were awarded with all managers nominated proving to be extremely worthy candidates,” he said. “We’d like to congratulate Perpetual Investments on taking out this years’ principal award.”

Full coverage of the awards, including interviews with the winners, will feature in the November edition of Professional Planner magazine.


Category Finalists Winner
Australian equities – Large cap Bennelong Australian Equity Partners, Fidelity Worldwide Investment Perpetual Investments
Australian equities – Small cap Celeste Funds ManagementFairview Equity Partners Ironbark Karara Australian Small Companies Fund
Australian equities – Alternative strategies Perpetual Investments, Zurich (Denning Pryce) Kardinia Capital
International equities – Global Goldman Sachs Asset Management, Magellan Asset Management MFS Investment Management
International equities – Alternative strategies K2 Asset ManagementPM Capital Platinum Investment Management 
International equities – Emerging markets Fidelity Worldwide Investment, Macquarie Investment Management Aberdeen Asset Management
Australian Fixed Interest PIMCO, Tyndall Investment Management AMP Capital
Global & Diversified Fixed Interest Bentham Asset Management, Franklin Templeton Investments PIMCO
AREITs APN Property Group, BT Investment Management Cromwell Phoenix Property Securities Fund
Global REITs AMP Capital, Resolution Capital UBS Global Asset Management
Diversified Funds Perpetual Investments, Schroders Investment Management Russell Investment Management
Alternative Strategies AQR, Man Investments Australia GMO Australia
Direct Property Folkestone Funds Management, GDI Property Group Australian Unity Investments 
ETFs Russell Investments, Vanguard SSgA SPDR ETFs
Infrastructure Lazard Asset Management, RARE Infrastructure Fund Magellan Asset Management
Fund Manager of the Year Magellan Asset Management, PIMCO Perpetual Australia
Distributor of the Year Fidante Partners, Bennelong Funds Management Macquarie Professional Series

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