A guide to the Professional Planner April 2013 edition and links to authors and additional content.
08 the FoFA countdown
Peter Kell puts financial planners on notice as deadline looms
19 in focus – Australian equities
A time to buy and a time to sell – and how to tell the difference
24 other people’s money
How much money is too much: the issue of capacity constraints
Dug Higgins
26 sector spotlight
Exchange-traded funds (ETFs) resume their strong growth
30 sharemarket
Yield convergence: a race to the bottom?
Ron Bewley
32 best practice
We’re not so different after all
Martin Mulcare
34 best practice
Fix it now or pay the piper
Ray Henderson
36 self-managed super
Big changes to insurance in super
Bryce Figot
40 super fund awards
Chant West and Conexus Financial join forces for new awards
41 hnwi
Recruiting and developing talent in private banking
Alan Shields
42 the big picture
Why the Australian economy will look very different in 15 years
Frank Gelber
44 technical
Why dealer groups need to make significant changes
Assyat David
46 philanthropy
When more regulation is a good thing
David Ward
47 the profession
What can be learned from the truly professional
Robert MC Brown AO
04 from the editor
Industry funds break cover
Simon Hoyle
06 wrap
A round-up of the month that was
Andrew Starke
by association
38 Graeme Colley
48 Mark Rantall
49 Brad Fox
50 Final Word
Built to last on a journey to the Dark Side
Dixon Bainbridge