Neuroscientists have discovered more about the brain during the 21st century than in all previous centuries combined. This means our knowledge of the brain has exploded. This was one of Dr Helena Popovic’s messages at this week’s FPA conference.
“We now know our brains are constantly changing in response to what we do, what we think and how we feel. One fifth of all the nutrients in the food we eat go to the brain to supply it with essential raw materials that affect our mood, thought processes and decision-making skills. That’s why diet is an important factor in brain health,” she explains.
According to Popovic, every time we engage in any sort of physical exercise we produce a multitude of chemicals that improve brain function, stimulate the growth of new brain cells, increase connections between existing brain cells and elevate our mood. “So lace up your runners and get moving. Half an hour of exercise a day cuts the risk of dementia in half.”
She explains whenever we solve a problem, overcome an obstacle or bounce back from depression, we raise our IQ and increase our brain cell count. “Every time we attempt something new – whether we master it or not – we sharpen our brains and keep dementia at bay. Lifelong active learning also halves the risk of developing dementia.
Additionally, a good night’s sleep helps preserve memory, consolidate previous learning, enhance our capacity to make sound decisions, build up our resilience to stress and strengthen our immune system. Popovic says after 17 hours of wakefulness (for example from 7am to midnight) the brain operates as though it has a blood alcohol reading of 0.05 per cent.
“Meaningful social connections are essential in keeping the brain healthy and loneliness doubles the risk of developing cognitive problems and dementia. Conversely, feeling that we make a positive contribution to the lives of others boosts our immune function and our brain health. Optimism enhances creativity, problem solving skills and overall health and wellbeing,” she says.
On the other hand, smoking, binge drinking, chronic stress, sleep deprivation, junk food, a diet high in sugar and trans fats, loneliness and depression all significantly increase the risk of dementia, particularly Alzheimer’s disease.
Says Popovic: “Stress causes the body to release high levels of cortisol, which destroys brain cells and prevents the brain from laying down new memories and accessing old ones. So if you want to recall something, the best thing you can do is relax.”