Auckland and Sydney-based Afiniation member and showcase technology award winner SuiteBox has launched several new features specifically targeting the development of virtual financial advice. The new features now enable the SuiteBox online collaboration solution to be used by any financial adviser in Australia and New Zealand including simple meeting set up and the ability for the adviser to view, save and share any video records from a client meeting and all historical meetings. SuiteBox can now also be used as a standalone solution or as an integrated solution with planning software.
SuiteBox CEO, Richard Mannell, explained, “There has been lots of press and coverage about fully automated robo-advice but very little about the huge opportunity that exists to combine a digital experience with a human adviser. As anyone in this space will tell you the challenge is the cost of traditional human advice and that’s where SuiteBox comes in. Now SuiteBox users can leverage our virtual collaboration tools with any advice technology and smart digital experience to offer low cost, effective and efficient virtual advice.”
Recently McKinsey issued a report where they estimated 42 million households globally, representing $66 billion in revenue, are candidates for virtual advice including two million households with $400 billion in assets and $2 billion of revenues in Australia alone.
Using SuiteBox an adviser can meet with a client located anywhere in the world. They can share and review documents, sign online and record the meeting using any web-enabled device. Virtual advice facilitates the development of advice hubs, which have rapidly developed in the US, and offer the ability to reduce the cost of delivery of financial advice by up to 75%.
Christopher Bates, CEO of independent financial advisers Canopy Private, a major adopter of virtual advice solutions, said, “Suitebox simply and easily breaks down the barrier of location and geography and allows me to comprehensively service my clients whenever and wherever is convenient to them.”
Mannell continued, “A good part of our continued success has come from SuiteBox being a founding member of Afiniation, the connections we have made as a result and how we’ve used Afiniation as a foundation for expansion into Australia from New Zealand. SuiteBox has had an unprecedented level of interest since the recent Afiniation showcase, and we will be making an announcement shortly on major new clients and integration partners.”
The recent Afiniation Showcase, held at the Ivy Ballroom in Sydney, featured over 30 of Australia and New Zealand’s top FinTech innovators, sponsors including AustralianSuper and Dion and keynote speakers including the NSW Minister for Innovation and Better Regulation, Victor Dominello, Citi’s Managing Director of Customer Franchise, Linda Duncombe and the NZ Trade Commissioner David McLeish.
Source: SuiteBox, Affiniation