DomaCom announced today that (ASX: MGP) is the first managed account provider  to add the capability of fractionalised real property onto their platform.

Managed account solutions offer portfolios created to meet specific investment needs; defensive, conservative, income and growth but until now, real property has been under-represented from many model portfolios.

“Property is our largest asset class and with less volatility than equities should play a pivotal role in anchoring investment portfolios, particularly residential property which has been has been absent in managed account portfolios,” said DomaCom CEO, Arthur Naoumidis.

“For example, an income portfolio should have some higher yielding commercial property and a growth portfolio should have some residential property, and the low volatility of property is ideal for a defensive or conservative model”, say DomaCom.

For CEO, David Heather, the integration with DomaCom will give advisers access to any property in Australia provided a bookbuild can be completed. Advisers can initiate a private bookbuild within their own client base or a public bookbuild for a wider audience.

“Offering property exposure within a managed account portfolio will give advisers, particularly those working with SMSFs something they have never had. Property is a major asset class in high demand but until the DomaCom solution, something that had to do managed externally to their managed account  and as a whole asset purchase. The DomaCom model makes it easy for advisory firms managing client portfolios to add property without the need for LRBA arrangements”, he said.

“We are very pleased to have been approved to support the delivery of real property by the solution. They are a mainstream managed account provider and will be the first to offer real property via DomaCom within a managed account solution”, said DomaCom CEO, Arthur Naoumidis.

“There is no other platform where financial advisers can precisely set the asset allocation to real property that their clients need, other than on DomaCom”, he said.

Source: DomaCom

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