The SMSF Professionals’ Association of Australia (SPAA) has developed a new online technical mentoring program for its specialist members, says Managing Director/CEO Andrea Slattery.

The new educational program, available to members holding a SPAA SMSF Specialist SSA and/or SSAud accreditation, will assist in enhancing and raising the standard of professional advice and skills and will give members the opportunity to ask SPAA technical staff for assistance on a range of complex technical issues.

Slattery says this is a unique opportunity for specialist members to complement their professional SMSF technical skills through a new fact-based guidance mentoring program that is designed to assist members understand and apply those enhanced skills to more complex and difficult situations through greater involvement from SPAA.

“Our specialist members are recognised as the leading professionals in the SMSF sector, and this is another avenue for them to strengthen their knowledge and reinforce their pre-eminent position in the market.

“SPAA has always placed enormous emphasis on the ongoing education of its members, and this online technical mentoring program is more evidence of our continued encouragement towards excellence. The pilot program will be available to 100 specialist members in early October and the full program will be available to all SPAA Specialist members at a later date.”

She says the specialist program is a service over and above the current membership and will incur an additional fee.

“It forms part of the collaboration between our SPAA Specialist members and the SPAA Centre of Excellence.

“Our specialist members have been requesting such a program and we expect that the participants will hail from small practices right through to the technical gurus. SPAA’s thought leadership programs continue to remain abreast of the topical technical issues affecting its members and the SMSF profession,” says Slattery.

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